Theme 2 addressed a series of objectives
using epidemiological cohorts which had already been established or were newly
set up. The main objectives are listed below:
To identify cohort databases in Europe
which contain information on early dietary and other exposures, and
those where such information is lacking.
To evaluate the similarities and differences
between these cohorts and organise an international meeting with the
participation of all key persons in EU birth cohorts.
To assess the scientific potential of
undertaking combined analyses of the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) and
Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort (NMCC) databases.
To collect post-pubertal data on body
composition and blood pressure in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and
Children (ALSPAC).
To study the relation between prenatal
(maternal) and postnatal (infant) dietary factors and how they predict early
disease markers and risk factors for chronic diseases, including chryptorchism, early growth patterns, psychomotor developmental milestones,
atopic diseases and cognitive development.
To disentangle the effects of prenatal and
postnatal dietary factors on early disease markers.
To collect biological samples and detailed
data on foetal growth in the NMCC to enable triad analyses of the genetic
basis of low birth weight.